Welcome to e-School Montessori From The Heart ♡

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a digital product?

Yes, when you purchase anything on eSchool.Montessori From The Heart, you gain access to a digital product, whether it is a lifetime course or a subscription. We do not physically ship you any materials or printables (PDFs), ensuring that families can access them from anywhere.

Are courses set as a subscription with recurring monthly fees?

No, courses are not a recurring subscription. You pay a one-time fee. And you  n e v e r  pay extra for newly added activities, lesson plans or printable(s).

How long do I have access to eMontessori From The Heart School courses?

You get lifetime access to courses for as long as eMontessori From The Heart School courses are online.

How is Monthly Kids Activities Plan <aka MKAP> differ from Courses?

The MKAP operates on a subscription model with a flexible monthly payment plan that you can cancel anytime. In contrast, our courses are a one-time fee and offer lifetime access. It's important to note that while the MKAP doesn't strictly adhere to the Montessori method, the Plan provides a plethora of simple, budget-friendly, and captivating daily activities to enjoy with your child, all carefully structured within a guided monthly calendar. If you prefer a more Montessori-focused approach or specialized thematic and cultural studies, our courses are an ideal choice. Regardless of your selection, all the activities are rooted in experiential hands-on learning-by-doing method.

When can I access eMontessori From The Heart School courses?

As soon as you purchase, you will have full access to courses. MKAP, on the other hand, is a subscription where you get access to one monthly plan at a time. Once you create a user name and password login, you will see the courses and subscriptions that you have purchased.

When will I receive access to the resources of MKAP after signing up?

Once you sign up, you'll get immediate access to the MKAP members' portal. Inside, you will be directed to a private portal to find a calendar for the current month and a supply list. You will have access to 3 modules:
-Start Here
-*Current Month Activities
-Bonus Section

 All active MKAP members have access to the *current month's plan. Feel free to download all the printable(s) to your computer and use it whenever you like.

How long do I have access to the resources in the MKAP members' portal?

Each Monthly Kids Activities Plan is available in the members' portal for four weeks. Make sure to download all the printables to your computer while they're still accessible. When a new plan is released on the 1st of each month, it will replace the previous one. Once a Plan is replaced, it will no longer be available in the portal.

What are the billing / subscription options for MKAP?

For the monthly billing, members are billed USD $14.99 automatically every month, which comes out to $0.49 cents a day. You can cancel anytime, and your membership will end at the end of your 30-day billing cycle.

For the annual plan, members are billed USD $129 automatically every year. You can cancel anytime and your membership will end at the end of your current paid yearly billing cycle. Annual plan members enjoy a $50 saving and thus a lower monthly cost (USD $10.75 per month -> $0.35 c/day) and get access to the MKAP for a year. Your credit card will be charged every month or every year, depending on what plan you choose, until you cancel.

There is also an option to "Pay Once" and have Lifetime access to all future plans.

*Please note that prior monthly plans are not accessible.

Are expired MKAP Plans available?

Each New Plan remains available in the members' portal until midnight on the last day of the month. Please download all the printables (which are yours to keep) while they are still accessible in the members' portal. A New MKAP plan is uploaded on the first of each month. Once a new Plan is added, the previous one is removed from the portal. Please note that the expired Monthly Kids Activities Plan is no longer accessible.

Can I get a refund if I have not used the product/membership?

As stated in Terms & Conditions, there are no refunds for sign-up fees, membership or subscription fees, course fees, or any other digital products, regardless of whether the content was accessed. Refunds are not provided for unused services.

Users/Members are responsible for managing their access, keeping their account active or canceled and managing their subscriptions, including maintaining login information and seeking support through appropriate channels. 

The Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership is subscription-based and set to auto-renew monthly or annually. Members can cancel their membership at any time under their Account page. However, no refunds are offered for processed payments, regardless of usage. Upon cancellation, future charges will cease, and a confirmation email will be sent. Upon membership termination, you may keep downloadable PDFs but cannot share or host them as your own. Also, once you cancel, access to the members’ portal and our Facebook group ends with your current billing period. Don't forget to download all your resources before you go. And remember, if you ever want to come back, you're always welcome! Just keep in mind that you'll need to sign up at the current monthly or annual rate.

Why should I join when a staggering number of freebies are scattered all over the internet?

Fantastic question! Well,   f r e e  does not always mean quality. Trust me, back a decade ago, I would print every free resource just to find it so unappealing, incomplete, or irrelevant. So, yep, those printed pages remained untouched and unused. So, save your ink and join the community!

What makes this platform different?

Members would tell you that what keeps them motivated, inspired, and consistent while doing activities is the simplicity of presentation, quality of materials, and variety and scope! Also, lessons are divided by the area of study and age, and many are Montessori-inspired. And having guidance, community support, and ease that the site provides is a game-changer!

And the best part? You won't need a magnifying glass or a GPS to find what you're looking for on the internet or social media because all the learning activities are in one convenient place. No more "Where did I pin that again?" moments. Because I'm your planning ninja you've been waiting for! I do ALL the heavy lifting so you can enjoy the fun part – learning and bonding with your kids. 

What age range are the learning activities in MKAP designed for?

The activities in MKAP are tailored for children aged 18 months to 6 years, with many activities adaptable for a wide age range. While most activities are suitable for both age groups, I provide instructions on how to adjust activities accordingly. So, if an activity is labeled [18 M+], your preschooler might find it engaging too! It's important to remember that age recommendations are simply guidelines, as children develop at their own pace. Instead, choose activities that align with your child's interest, abilities and skill level. For example, if your toddler shows interest in numbers and can recognize them, feel free to introduce activities designed for older children.

Can I start with the monthly billing of MKAP and switch to the yearly plan later?

Yes, absolutely! If you decide you want to switch from the monthly plan to the yearly plan to take advantage of our annual billing discount, just reach out to me at "Ask Instructor" or email me at anya@montessorifromtheheart.com. I'll be happy to assist you with the upgrade process, which will require canceling your current plan first. (Please note: When you upgrade, you're committing to an additional 12 months, and previously paid monthly subscription fees won't be refunded.)

If the Montessori method encourages to "follow a child," how are thematic studies congruent with such a principle? 

Our role is to "prepare the environment" for a child to be inspired to learn. We are here to sustain their curiosity, ignite the love of learning and leverage their intrinsic motivation. "Following the child" does not imply a lack of order, schedule, or lesson plans. By exposing a child to different themes and studies, we widen their horizon and discover their aptitudes, natural inclinations, and interests. Diversified exposure is particularly beneficial for the younger ones (birth to 6 years), when children's brain is like a sponge, absorbing everything effortlessly and with great enthusiasm.  

What are thematic unit studies & how do they work?

Themed unit studies, often referred to as 'thematic' studies, have the power to significantly enrich your homeschooling curriculum. Be it a Dinosaur theme, Bugs, Landmarks, Clouds and Water Cycle, or a Holiday theme, they immerse children in specific areas of study, transforming learning into a new and exciting adventure. Through a hands-on approach, thematic unit studies allow our children to explore subjects in-depth, fostering experiential and discovery-based learning. These themes breathe new life into activities by adding a fresh perspective, crafting dynamic shelf setups, turning books into immersive experiences, engaging in sensory exploration, and infusing language and math activities with creative twists. It's a holistic educational journey that brings subjects to life from various perspectives and dimensions, infusing a vibrant outlook into what might otherwise seem mundane.

So, the beauty of thematic unit studies is that we can create a prepared environment for the child to embrace hands-on learning in a new and exciting way. Studies have shown that information presented in a novel way that ignites emotions is 50% more likely to be retained. And the best part is that unit studies can be simplified for younger children or expanded for older ones. So, you have ample flexibility within a themed study to spark questions and discussions or delve deeper into a topic of interest, should they desire so. 

What is the difference between Themed Courses and Montessori Courses?

Themed courses, such as Winter Course, Leaves Botany Course, Frogs Amphibians Course, etc., are a part of 'thematic unit studies' and they can be repeated year after year since activities can be simplified for younger children and expanded for older ones. Montessori Courses on the other hand, such as Language and Math, offer a 2-6 curriculum that you will follow in order. You would only repeat an activity if a child was not developmentally ready for it or as a review.

Do I need to purchase a lot of Montessori materials?

Not a lot is needed. To implement Montessori lessons, you would typically purchase some basic materials. However, with MKAP, the required materials are very minimal. I suggest essential Montessori materials based on your budget, which you can find in the suggested Material List under the BASICs course.

I also aim to offer DIY alternatives, when feasible, should you decide to make them yourself.

Additionally, I design and offer printable materials to promote active, hands-on learning.

Do I need to dedicate an entire room to homeschool?

No. One low, long shelf is sufficient. You can also repurpose existing shelves in your home, such as TV stands, which are generally low to the ground and at child-view level. The aim is to have open cubbies that are easily accessible to the child, fostering independence and organization.

What are the basic materials that I would need? 

  • A low, child-accessible shelf (recommended to be longer than taller)
  • 2-3 trays for organizing activities on the shelf
  • A floor mat to define the workspace and area
  • Small bowls, baskets, or containers for storage
  • A printer, along with ink and printing paper
  • Child-sized scissors and adult scissors (a paper trimmer is recommended)
  • Writing and coloring utensils such as pencils and pens
  • Glue and tape for various projects
  • Art and craft materials
  • 1.5-inch folders for organizing papers
  • A hole puncher, both single and three-hole varieties

What is the benefit of repeating the Themed Courses with my child each year?

It is essential to repeat thematic courses again and again with children because little ones learn through repetition. Practice and repetition bring on progress. What a two-year-old brain is able to encode and absorb will be quite different from a 4-year-old's brain assimilation process. For example, while studying a "Part of a Leaf" a two-year old might explore the subject through shading, naming maybe a blade and midrib, while a four-year old, will be able to cut and paste parts of a leaf, and name other more complex parts as well. As children's brain matures, you can expand on a topic, delve deeper into a subject, or utilize extension works. As children learn and master new skills, they will be able to apply them in different ways while exploring the same topic. So, repetition will help children more thoroughly encode the information is new ways and allow for better retention.

I have different-aged children at home. Can courses be used for multiple ages?

Absolutely! Our courses are designed with flexibility in mind, making them suitable for families with children of various ages. Whether you have toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, or a mix of age groups, our unit study-style learning can be adapted to cater to their unique needs.

And although the courses are specifically crafted to cater to the unique needs of children within the 2-6 year age range, they offer engaging activities suitable for children as young as 18 months, providing a gentle introduction to the themes. For those aged 6-7 who are ready for more advanced exploration, our courses also offer extension activities that can challenge and enrich their learning experience.

The beauty of our courses lies in their adaptability. You can adjust the pace and depth of the activities to suit each child's developmental stage, ensuring that everyone in your household can benefit from the same themes while experiencing age-appropriate challenges and enrichment. It's a wonderful way to foster a shared learning experience that accommodates the diverse ages of your children.

How do young children acquire knowledge or learn?

Young children have an incredible capacity for rapid learning. Their minds are like sponges, eagerly absorbing information. During this stage, it's important not to place undue pressure on them for memorization or prolonged concentration. Instead, the goal is to introduce information that aligns with their natural absorption process, helping them recognize and retain it through repetition. Essentially, we're laying the foundation for information pathways in their developing brains.

Also, it is important to notice your child's 'sensitive period' when they become deeply engrossed in one particular activity. During these phases, they may repeat the same activity incessantly because it fascinates them. It's crucial during these moments not to disrupt their concentration but to encourage and support their interests. For instance, my son, Adrian, was captivated by construction vehicles at the age of 2, and his pretend play would extend for hours. The primary message here is to let children play and learn organically, focusing on hands-on learning experiences. Avoid pushing them into formal learning at these tender ages; instead, let them thrive through the joy of play-based learning.

Is this a community?

Yes! This is a private learning community of like-minded parents, caregivers, and educators. You will find a family of powerful people who are on this journey with you. On this platform, I encourage you to connect with the tribe [The Community Tab] and share your Aha moments, your triumphs, or your challenges! You can open a discussion, ask a question, post a poll, or comment under any lesson or activity. You can follow other members, change your profile photo, and track your learning progress. Remember, learning is not SOLO; it is SOCIAL. Together, everyone learns more! 

Also, when you become a member, you can join our Private Facebook Group - HERE.

Are these DIY-friendly courses or do I need to have Montessori materials?

You do not need to have Montessori materials to enjoy these courses. I have designed many Montessori-inspired lessons around DIY materials and printables. However, you can incorporate authentic didactic Montessori materials into the lessons if you wish. You will have an option to make the DIYs or use the traditional Montessori material.

Do I need to homeschool 8 hours to utilize customized curriculum?

No. The beauty of homeschooling is that with just one to three hours of one-on-one interaction, a child can absorb more than they would during a full eight-hour day at a conventional or even a Montessori school. I suggest a one to three-hour work cycle, tailored to your family environment.

Is the App available?

Yes, our private exclusive App is available for both Apple and Android devises. Download on Apple Store HERE  or on Google Play HERE

What if I am unhappy with eMontessori From The Heart School course?

I would never want you to be unhappy! So I am open to feedback on how to improve the courses, so please send all your feedback to Anya@MontessoriFromTheHeart.com and I will gladly make changes as needed. PLEASE NOTE: due to the comprehensive digital (downloadable PDF's) within the content of these courses, refunds are not available.
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