Spend less time Planning & more time
because you've got a Plan

Monthly Kids Activities Plan (MKAP)

What's The #1 Enemy standing between your child & a happy, engaged, curious childhood?


They sneak in slowly—one episode here, a tablet game there. Until suddenly, your once-playful, creative child is glued to a screen, zoning out instead of discovering the world around them. And you? You’re exhausted from fighting the battle.

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Because you want them to have real childhood experiences—playing, imagining, creating, learning. But the constant “Can I have more iPad time?” feels never-ending. Sounds familiar?

And here’s the hard truth: You can’t fight this battle alone!

Time to Replace Screens With Real Childhood ExperienceS!

The Disturbing Truth About Screens 

Children today spend an average of 7+ hours per day on screens (CDC, 2023). That’s more time than they spend sleeping, playing outside, or engaging in real-world experiences. And the effects? They’re alarming!
  • Reduced Cognitive Skills
  • Delayed Language
  •  Increased Anxiety & Depression
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A study by JAMA Pediatrics found that excessive screen time in early childhood is linked to lower cognitive skills, reduced attention span, and delayed language development.
  •  (Madigan et al., 2019).
Research from the NIH shows that kids who spend more than two hours per day on screens score lower on thinking and language tests, and those exposed to more than seven hours a day show thinning of the brain’s cortex—the area responsible for critical thinking and decision-making.
  • (Hutton et al., 2020).
A study from The Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that just one hour of daily screen time is associated with increased anxiety, depression, and reduced emotional well-being in children.
  •  (Twenge & Campbell, 2018).

And yet, screens have become the default solution—for boredom, learning, and even family time.

Not because we want them to be, but because life is busy, and we don’t always have an easy alternative!

You can’t fight screens with “less.” You have to replace them with BETTER.

That’s Why I Created MKAP—

Monthly Kids Activities Plan 

—because parents need a partner in this fight. I’m here to help you take back control, ditch the screen battles, and give your child the gift of real, hands-on play.
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 MKAP is the Antidote to Screens, Turning “One More Episode?” —into “What Are We Playing Today?!”

And if planning activities for your kid feels like standing at the base of a huge mountain, unsure which path to take ...

With endless Pinterest ideas, picture-perfect Instagram posts, and parenting tips flying at you (whether you asked or not), it’s easy to feel confused and overwhelmed. You want your child to reach the peak of their potential and enjoy that stunning view—

... but where do you even begin? 
🧭 Think of Monthly Kids Activities Plan as your expert guide—offering a clear, easy-to-follow path.

No brambles, no slippery slopes, no detours through Pinterest rabbit holes, and no roadblocks of Imposter Syndrome to climb over.

Just a smooth, well-planned journey to the top.


While I do the climbing & planning, you can sit back and enjoy the view —watching your child 🌱 grow!

With MKPA, you'll know exactly what to do and how to get to where you need to go by following hands-on activities tailored to your child’s development—without worrying about too much screen time.
🗺️ It’s like having a detailed map for navigating your child’s most important years of development: the Golden Years of the Absorbent Mind.

Don’t worry, no compass needed!

With everything planned out for you, no more wondering what’s next. And guess what? You’ll finally have time to book that spa day or savor a quiet coffee ☕️ - hot, for once!

Join today and let me lighten the load so you both can enjoy the journey—with a few less "Are we there yet?" moments along the way.

Monthly Kids
Activities Plan

Ideal  for ages 18 months to 6 years.
-  Leave the stress of planing and overwhelm behind.
- Each month, receive a unique themed calendar with carefully curated daily hands-on activities with minimal to no-cost setup.

Write your awesome label here.
*If you are a teacher or homeschooling kids other than your own, please choose the "Teacher" MKAP under  Terms & Conditions here

Monthly Kids
Activities Plan

 Leave the overwhelm of searching behind & spend time playing  with your child & not planning

Each month, receive a unique themed calendar with carefully designed daily hands-on activities with minimal to no-cost setup.

 Ideal for ages 18 months to 6 years.
Write your awesome label here.
*If you are a teacher or homeschooling kids other than your own, please choose the "Teacher" MKAP under  Terms & Conditions here

What Members Are Saying

I became a lifetime member as I was struggling to figure out what I should teach my daughters. Twins 3.5 years old. I am excited to not have to figure it out and be more present now.

Bee Reekah

Anya! This is amazing! Loving the Monthly Calendar!  Two years ago when I found you, you were the only one I found online doing what you do in Montessori! You're so appreciated for all the dedication and effort you put into the education of children. Beyond happy to have found you! You’re the best, Anya! I love being a member! 

Charlotte Delamor

My first thought was to know I have a guide to our day. I spend too much time online searching for at least one activity a day to do with my son and it is time consuming, this is why having your monthly calendar really makes a difference. We will try to make the different activities tomorrow. I hope you don't mind me tagging you in my posts/reels. I am very grateful and excited to be able to share, teach and learn with my son thanks to you!

Wendy Rich

Ignite your child's love for learning & spend less time searching & more time doing because you've got a Plan - the Monthly Kids Activities Plan!

Write your awesome label here.

I believe 100% that you’ll see results, and I’m backing it up with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! If, after 30 days, you don’t see progress, simply show proof that you completed the monthly plan by documenting the activities with photos or notes, and we’ll give you a FULL refund—no hassle, no risk. Simply email me at Anya@MontessoriFromTheHeart.com
*All refunds are subject to processing and transaction fees, which are not refundable.

Let's Make Learning
Easy, Fun & Effective!

If you find yourself drowning in a sea of information, unsure of where to start, or feel lost in the quest to make learning enjoyable for your child, 

You’re Off To A Great Start 🏁 
because the MKAP is the roadmap you seek! 

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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
 Unlock the ultimate solution to homeschooling overwhelm with the Monthly Kids Activities Plan a meticulously crafted program offers a doable step-by-step guide to effortlessly navigate your homeschooling journey! 

▪️  Get access to a private member site.
▪️  Enjoy structured but easy-to-implement activities on the budget.
▪️  Activities are in the form of textual instructions, video tutorials, and/or beautifully designed hands-on printables.
▪️  Areas of Study: Literacy, Math, Sensory Play, Practical Life Activities, Cultural works, and Crafts

What Our Parents Observe with their Kids

What members have shared about the many benefits their children are experiencing:

  • Sparked curiosity for learning.
  • Through themed activities, children are excited to discover the world around them.
  • Stronger family bonds through fun, shared learning activities.
  • Siblings learning together and from each other.
  • Less screen time and more meaningful learning through play moments.
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Members would tell you that what keeps them motivated, inspired, and consistent while doing activities is the simplicity of presentation, quality of materials, and variety!

Also, lessons are divided by the area of study and age, and many are Montessori-inspired. And having guidance, community support, and ease that the site provides is a game-changer!

And the best part? You won't need a magnifying glass or a GPS to find what you're looking for on the internet or social media because all the learning activities are in one convenient place.

No more "Where did I pin that again?" moments. Because I'm your planning ninja you've been waiting for! I do all the heavy lifting so you can enjoy the fun part – learning and bonding with your kids. 
  • On the 1st of each month, the new 🗓️ Monthly Plan opens, and the previous one closes.
  • The 🛍️ "Material & Supply List" is released on the 18th, giving you time to prepare.
  • To identify activities with attached PDFs, look for the 🖨️ printer icon on the calendar or 📎 a paperclip in the outline view. You can download the PDF by clicking on the activity and then clicking 🔗 in the top-right corner.
If the assigned activity for the day doesn’t quite fit your little one’s needs, no worries! You can always turn to our Members-Only Library of Activities, a treasure trove of fun and educational options we've curated over months at MKAP. I’m confident you’ll find the perfect substitute to keep your child engaged and learning. This exclusive resource is available only to our valued members, so be sure to take full advantage of it!
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For instructions, simply click on the activity (below) to access the "player view."

Want to Access Prior MKAP?

Age Modifications

Most activities are adaptable, considering that our youngest members are 18 months. I encourage you to introduce each activity to your child—sometimes we underestimate their capabilities.

If it's too challenging, they will show no interest, but you’ll often be amazed by what they can achieve.
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  • Most Sensorial activities (Wednesdays) are suitable for younger ones. I will indicate if it is "Taste-Safe." 
  • Most Crafts (weekends) are also Toddler-friendly.
  • Some Language works (Mondays) might be too hard for younger ones, but I still suggest introducing them. For example, 3-part Card presentations can be modified and offered as young as 15 months.
  • Math activities (Tuesdays) can be simplified for children ages 18 months + by introducing only objects (no numbers) or only numbers 1 through 3.
With a Monthly MKAP guide,

you can confidently guide your child through enriching activities, knowing you have a Plan. Gone are the days of endless searching and planning for activities to do "one day!" With the MKAP, you can finally "do" an activity right now! since all the searching and planning has been done for you, giving you more time to enjoy what you truly love! 
  • Calendar Plan

    Receive a new plan on the 1st of each month, complete with daily activities.
  • Material List

    Access a supply list two weeks in advance for seamless preparation.
  • You Get

    Video tutorials, textual instructions, and aesthetically designed printable(s) to enhance your child's learning journey.
  • Age Group

    Suitable for children 18 months to 6 years, activities cater to diverse developmental stages.

How Our Members are Learning!

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Dot the Alphabet Bonus

Do-A-Dot markers are a fun, mess-free way for toddler and preschoolers to strengthen fine motor skills, learn colors, and express creativity. They also help develop focus, patience, and self-expression, all while keeping parents' stress levels low with their spill-proof design.

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Subscribe today! 

To get access to all the bonus printables now!
Pay monthly | Cancel Anytime

Literacy Bonus

Learn what, when and how to introduce the alphabet.

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Months of the Year

Learning About Time & Months of the Year Bonus

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Our School with Your Words

My daughter Rosie and I love the plan! We do about 3 activities a week. She is 2.5 and adores all the sensory bin activities especially. What I particularly like is that instead of going online and searching for things to do (and struggling to gather the supplies), these activities are organized for me a month in advance, and I can gather supplies in one shopping trip. ❤️

Katie Purdy

My little ones are my daughter Nora (2) and son Logan (4 months). My daughter loves to learn and I was really looking for new things to teach her when I kept seeing you popup on my instagram! Thank you for the wonderful resources and I look forward to doing more of the activities as she grows!

JOY Foster

We are loving the MKAP set up! My favorite is the calendar! I've been struggling so much with a daily routine structure for my 3 year old and the calendar has definitely helped me get organized. The printables are great! I have used them all for the activities since the day I bought the course. 


Ocean Animals Threading

Promote Fine Motor Control & Dexterity

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When will I receive access to the resources after signing up?

Once you sign up, you'll get immediate access to the MKAP members' portal. Inside, you will be directed to a private portal to find a calendar for the current month and a supply list. You will have access to 3 modules:
-Start Here
-*Current Month Activities
-Bonus Section

 All active MKAP members have access to the *current month's plan. Feel free to download all the printable(s) to your computer and use it whenever you like.

What are the billing / subscription options?  

For the monthly billing, members are billed USD $14.99 automatically every month, which comes out to $0.49 cents a day. You can cancel anytime, and your membership will end at the end of your 30-day billing cycle.

For the annual plan, members are billed USD $129 automatically every year. You can cancel anytime and your membership will end at the end of your current paid yearly billing cycle. Annual plan members enjoy a $50 saving and thus a lower monthly cost (USD $10.75 per month -> $0.35 c/day) and get access to the MKAP for a year. Your credit card will be charged every month or every year, depending on what plan you choose, until you cancel.

There is also an option to "Pay Once" and have access for the Lifetime of the Program. With a one-time payment, you’ll receive lifetime access for as long as MKAP is available—no renewals, no extra fees, just stress-free learning for years to come!

*Please note that prior monthly plans are not accessible.

Are expired Plans available?

Each New Plan remains available in the members' portal until midnight on the last day of the month. Please download all the printables (which are yours to keep) while they are still accessible in the members' portal. A New MKAP plan is uploaded on the first of each month. Once a new Plan is added, the previous one is removed from the portal. Please note that the expired Monthly Kids Activities Plan is no longer accessible.

With 'MKAP' get easy pre-planned activities for each day of the month!

🕰 Save time: No more guessing & searching! Carefully designed 🗓 calendar pinned activities + a supply list.

💰Save money: Minimal to no-setup-cost activities. 

🎁 Give your child the gift of learning by doing!

🔑 Get a new themed monthly plan, which opens on the 1st of each month.

🌟No Sign Up Fee | Cancel Anytime

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Shapes Bonus

Learn shapes with hands-on printables and interactive prompts. 

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Our School with Your Words

It is noticeable the amount of love and thought Anya puts to create the kids monthly activity plan. I absolutely love the fact that I don’t have to waste my time on social media searching for kids activities and a as homeschool parent it is important to have the extra time to just be present. I appreciate the creativity the use of the different materials that we already have at home. Without MKAP homeschool would be boring. So grateful for Anya’s support through this journey. 

Lizbeth Palacios

We are going on 6 months of MKAP and have done nearly every activity (with some minor changes due to supplies, etc). My kids have loved doing them and sometimes I am shocked with what they gravitate toward- It pushes us to try things that I would not have chosen for them to do. I love how Anya explains why the activity is important for their development and how it helps them to learn different skills. Thank you so much for making this invaluable experience for my family! 

     Amy Jackson

Wow this is such an informative and comprehensive monthly kids activities plan. My first experience is with the April month and wow it covers everything from Solar Eclipses which is very now, through to Earth Day and Penguin Awareness Day both later in the month too. Plus being from the southern hemisphere it’s great to see the inclusion of the Autumn Activities Pack too. Plus so much more such as birds, rainbows, art & even why the Montessori approach encourages lowercase letter learning over uppercase first. Absolutely fantastic, thank you Anya for doing all the hard work for us tired homeschooling Mums. Mel

Melanie Beers-Quinn
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If You want

easy-to-digest, simple to implement and doable activity that you can bring to life with your child every day during the week.

You want to do

an activity with your child now, instead of planning on doing something one day.

You want organizing

to be done for you, to free you time to do what you love.

I have a solution!

Creative hands-on activities and printables delivered to your 📮inbox on the first of each month + a Supply list

Each month, you'll unlock a pre-planned, up-to-date activities calendar + supply list for the month. 

No more scrambling to come up with ideas! I've got you covered with activities that are simple to set up and promote hands-on learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age range are the learning activities in MKAP designed for?

The activities in MKAP are tailored for children aged 18 months to 6 years, with many activities adaptable for a wide age range. While most activities are suitable for both age groups, I provide instructions on how to adjust activities accordingly. So, if an activity is labeled [18 M+], your preschooler might find it engaging too! It's important to remember that age recommendations are simply guidelines, as children develop at their own pace. Instead, choose activities that align with your child's interest, abilities and skill level. For example, if your toddler shows interest in numbers and can recognize them, feel free to introduce activities designed for older children.

How long do I have access to the resources in the members' portal?

Each Monthly Kids Activities Plan is available in the members' portal for four weeks. Make sure to download all the printables to your computer while they're still accessible. When a new plan is released on the 1st of each month, it will replace the previous one. Once a Plan is replaced, it will no longer be available in the portal.

Will I receive any physical products in the mail?

No, all the resources in this membership are digital, ensuring that families can access them from anywhere.

What is the cancelation policy?

You're in the driver's seat! To cancel your membership, simply navigate to the 'Me' section and click on Account.

Keep in mind, there are no refunds for early cancellations. Once you cancel, access to the members’ portal and our Facebook group ends with your current billing period. Don't forget to download all your resources before you go. And remember, if you ever want to come back, you're always welcome! Just keep in mind that you'll need to sign up at the current monthly or annual rate.

Can I start with the monthly plan and switch to the yearly plan later?

Yes, absolutely! If you decide you want to switch from the monthly plan to the yearly plan to take advantage of our annual billing discount, just reach out to me at "Ask Instructor" or email me at anya@montessorifromtheheart.com. I'll be happy to assist you with the upgrade process, which will require canceling your current plan first.  (Please note: When you upgrade, you're committing to an additional 12 months, and previously paid monthly subscription fees won't be refunded.)

Calendar Bonuses

Literacy Bonus

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Autumn Bonus

23-page My Autumn Book Kids Activities Pack.

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Say goodbye to the endless cycle of searching for daily activities and join the Monthly Kids Activities Plan Now!

For the price as 3 Starbucks coffees, you'll get a whole month's worth of hands-on learning activities for you and your little ones! Plus, no more caffeine crashes!
I’ve got you covered with a jam-packed calendar of engaging and educational activities that will keep your kids entertained for hours on end! Plus, by signing up, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're investing in your child's future.

Save with
Lifetime Access

Pay once & receive a New plan each month!
Write your awesome label here.

Let's stay organized!

Each month, I create new Weekly Planners, Homeschool Calendars, Habit Trackers, To-Do Lists and more!

Daily Prompts for Kids

What's Todays Date, Weather, Moon Phase, etc.
  • Click | Print | Learn
  • Download Under The Basics Section
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Colors Bonus

Join today to get access to this
special bonus!
Write your awesome label here.

Monthly Kids Activities Plan 

Unlock daily scheduled activities pinned to a monthly calendar to promote hands-on learning.

⏰ I know you do not have time to endlessly search, plan, prepare, and present an activity your child has no interest in or plays at best for two minutes. 

💰You also want to avoid investing an arm and a leg in many short-lived materials.

🌟You want to offer fun hands-on learning activities without having to plan everything yourself.
🚀So, let me help take the guesswork out of your planning and offer you activities that will not break the bank and that your little one will enjoy for longer than a few minutes! 

And while finding time for homeschooling activities can be challenging, try setting aside specific times each day for learning (even if it is 10 minutes!) or find ways to incorporate learning into everyday activities like cooking, gardening, or venturing outdoors. 

What's Included

Monthly activities plan, with a new one becoming available on the first of each month. When the new one opens, the prior month closes. 

Check Your List

Material, supplies and books check list for each month. (The supply list is intentionally short since you will be using lots of ♻️ recycled materials!)

Make Learning Easy and Fun

Feel confident doing activities with your child without the pressure of finding the “right” ones! Get a minimum of 25 + activities each month, plus bonuses! 

Monthly Kids Activities Plan

✔️Join the monthly no-hassle easy-to-do pre-packaged activity plan you can implement with your child today and every day!

✔️Unlock daily scheduled activities for children 18 months to 6 years, pinned to a monthly calendar to promote hands-on learning. 

✔️Activities are thoughtfully assigned to each day of the week, incorporating Holidays and famous people's birthdays.
  • Community
  • Level
    18 m - 6 yrs
  • March Activities
  • PDFs
  • Bonus Activities
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